Monday, April 25, 2011

Torn Between 2 Lovers

If you are my age you remember this song well! It describes how I
feel perfectly! I have made a little life for myself here in Vienna,
albeit small, but a little life and I have one at home waiting for me.
I really don't even know what the song is about, 2 real lovers? 2
places? The reality is is that I am not torn at all, I will be ripped
away from one by Wake Forest University (which I love adore and
respect for letting me have the chance to be here) because apparently
they want to give a lot of professors and other students a chance to
live in this cool house and experience this amazing place, oh and they
want my husband back on campus to teach there too.

So I am working on my break up letter.....tell me what you think.
Dear Vienna,

Let's face it Vienna, if we stayed together you might grown to resent
me for hanging around all the time and trying to find out all your
secrets. I have to go back to my Winston Salem (I know its secrets)
and it still loves me. Sometimes I feel like you are the most good
looking city in the world, problem is you know it and you really take
good care of yourself, with all your clean and safe public
transportation. Don't get me started on how you have treated my
children, okay so sometimes you were grumpy to them, a little
bossy,and little mean talking to them. You are a bit contradicting
when you chastise my child for putting their feet on the seat of the
bus while you have your DOG on the seat next to you (Yes this really
happened). BUT then you go and do something completely surprising
like stopping the bus just because you see me coming with groceries,
or give a little half smile at one of my adorable children when you
don't know I am looking. You have educated me so much about history
and made me a better person! You have taught me a bit different way
to live and consume. Okay so you make a great cup of coffee and
always serve it in a real cup, is there no end to what you can do. I
appreciate the fresh baked bread everyday too! I hope you will let me
keep the pictures I have taken of you? I want to remember you every
day and time you gave me to be with my kids (for better or worse) and
my husband and all your neighbors Prague, Budapest and those guys are
awesome! Your friends at New City Wien also amazing and the Irish
family across the street. So in closing I hope we can be friends,
exchange email addresses and call everyday, or no maybe we should just
have fun with the time we have and meet back here in one year at this
exact same place and time. Yeh, let's do that!


Your friend for life Annamae

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